Community fishes

Here is where I will show what the fishes behavior are.

Gold fishes, Kois, and Minnows
These fishes are great to have as pets in ponds a fish tanks. they do not like to have tanks with heater because of their cold adaption in the wild. These fishes will get large except the minnow. For minnows minim size of a tank in 1 gallon, for goldfishes the minim size is 5 gallon ,and for kois the only size get them in is 1 pond. these fishes are easy to take care of but get quit large. Also you will need to clean the tank every 1 week or five days.

 Guppy's, Platy's, Swordtail's, Glofish, and Mollies
These fishes are easy to take care of but look carefully and you mite see baby's coming out. These fishes minim size are 1 gallon. to make your water clear and not clean the tank every 1 week add freshwater salt from the store so the tank is all clean. The glofish needs a special tank to see the color glo, go to the store find right tank for it. If you want to have a male or female for babies make sure that every one male gets 1 or 2 female.